Creators of Cubism: Braque and Picasso

Georges Braque

still-life-with-a-bunch-of-grapes-1912Born in France in 1882, Braque was initially apprenticed as a painter decorator following the foot steps of is father, however pursued his interest in art and drawing in evening classes both in Le Harvre where he grew up and later in Paris where he completed is painting and decorating certificate in 1902.

Braque, most interested in still life, was initially influenced by Fauvism which included Matisse and Derain amongst others in the group who were producing vibrant colourful paintings representing emotional response.  Braque went on to develop a more subdued style  of Fauvism with his contemporaries Dufy and Friesz. It was the influence of Cezanne and Picasso which saw him move into a more subdued palette  of greens, greys and browns – which was to be come his signature style – and more simplified forms resulting in his first cubist style paintings.   He held his first one man exhibition in 1908 at Gallery Kahnweiller.  From there he developed a close working relationship with Picasso and together they created analytical and synthetic Cubism and collage. Image: ‘Still life with a bunch of grapes’ 1912

More examples of his work:


Pablo Picasso

images (22)Born in Malaga, Spain in 1881, Picasso became the most influential artist of the 20th Century.  Having showed a passion and skill for drawing from an early age, Picasso was admitted to the School of Fine Arts where his father was a professor at the age of 13 and at the age of 16 set out on his own to the Royal Acadamy of San Fernando in Madrid.  However, soon stopped attending classes due to his dislike of formal instruction.

1901-4 is known as Picasso’s blue period in which he rendered his paintings in blues and blue-greens which were sombre in nature and subject – prostitutes and beggars feature regularly – however the limited use of colour may  be attributed to a financially lean time in his career and his frequent trips between Paris and Spain.

1904-6 Picasso starting painting in a more uplifting style with oranges and pinks, which has become known as the rose period.  This may well be a reflection of his relationship with Fernande Olivier whom he met in 1904.  By 1905 Picasso had become a favourite of the American art collectors Leo and Gertrude Stein who introduced him to Matisse who was to become a life long friend.

1907-9 was to be he African influenced period with the his painting of ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon‘ 1907 (see image) that was to have a huge influence on Braque.  This same year Picasso was signed up to the Gallery Kahnweiller and after meeting Braque in 1908, together they went on to create analytical and synthetic cubism and collage.

For more information on Picasso:





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